Insight Blog

Sharing reports, case studies, and articles to help you understand water intelligence insight.

Water is the Nexus

Reading Time: 3 minutes Water resides at the convergence of so many matters: human health and economic output, environmental health and stability, energy production, and energy transition; the list

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What the Heck is a P18?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Acronyms, abbreviations, and industry terms run rampant at B3 Insight.  We talk about RRC, UIC, SWD, H-10, DUC and the list goes on.  But, our

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Innovating Water Management in Louisiana: Introducing B3 Insight’s Louisiana Dataset

Reading Time: 3 minutes Are you ready to dive into the murky waters of Louisiana’s unique energy landscape? Effective water management is a critical component to the long-term viability of oil and gas operations, whether participating as an exploration and production (E&P) operator, an oilfield service company, or midstream service provider. This is particularly true in Louisiana, where complex data access…

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Are We Here for a Good Time…. and a Long Time?

Reading Time: 3 minutes There is a dilemma that must be addressed as we enter a new inning for the water management business. We operate in an industry now predicated on immediate to short-term returns on capital, yet the water issues facing the industry may dictate capital expenditures that require a longer-term perspective…

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Empowering Smart Water Management

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